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Coronation Cigars

It's not every day that we get to witness a coronation ceremony. The pomp and grandeur of such an occasion are unmatched by any other event. In the past, coronations were marked by the smoking of cigars, which was seen as a symbol of celebration and luxury. In this blog post, we'll take a look at coronations and the cigars that were smoked during these ceremonies.

Coronations are ancient ceremonies that have been performed for centuries. They are typically held to mark the ascension of a monarch to the throne. The ceremony is steeped in tradition and is often accompanied by elaborate pageantry, music, and religious rituals. The coronation ceremony is a symbol of continuity and stability in the life of a nation.

When it comes to cigars, the coronation of King Edward VII in 1902 is a significant moment in history. At the time, cigars were considered a luxury item, and the coronation was a perfect occasion to indulge in them. King Edward VII was known to be an avid cigar smoker, and during his coronation, he was presented with a box of 12 cigars. These cigars were specially made for the occasion and were dubbed "The King's Coronation Cigars." The cigars were made by the renowned cigar company, J. Garcia & Brothers, and were a blend of the finest Cuban tobacco.

The King's Coronation Cigars were so popular that they became a favourite among cigar aficionados. They were said to be mild yet flavourful, with a creamy texture and a sweet aroma. The cigars were also known for their impeccable construction, which allowed for a smooth draw and an even burn.

Today, cigar enthusiasts can still enjoy the taste and experience of the King's Coronation Cigars. While the original cigars are no longer available, there are many cigars on the market that are similar in flavour and composition. Some of the top cigars to smoke for a coronation include:

1. Cohiba Behike - This cigar is considered to be one of the best cigars in the world. It is made with a blend of the finest Cuban tobacco and has a rich, complex flavour profile.

2. Montecristo No. 2 - This cigar is a classic and is known for its smooth, creamy flavour. It is made with the finest Cuban tobacco and is a favourite among cigar aficionados.

3. Romeo y Julieta Churchill - This cigar is named after the famous British Prime Minister and is known for its bold flavour and impeccable construction. It is made with a blend of Cuban and Dominican tobacco.

The King's Coronation Cigars are a testament to the luxury and elegance of the coronation ceremony. Today, cigar enthusiasts can still enjoy the taste and experience of these cigars by smoking some of the top cigars on the market. So, if you're attending the coronation or just looking to indulge in a luxurious smoke, be sure to try one of these top cigars.